Impact of Personnel Capabilities on Organizational Innovation Capability


  • Mostafa Momeni Alzahra University
  • Susanne Balslev Nielsen Technical University of Denmark



Innovation Capability, Personnel Capability, Individual Knowledge Capacity, Opportunity Detection Capacity, Idea Generation Capacity.


One of the most dynamic capabilities that lead to the strongest competitive advantage in the organizations is the innovation capability. Analysing the development of  a firm’s  innovation capability capabilities of a firm is an important research project, and can help organizations to achieve competitive advantage in this rapidly changing world.

This research focuses on definition of the personnel aspect of innovation capability, and proposes a conceptual model based on the scientific articles of academic literature on organisations innovation capability. This paper includes an expert based validation in three rounds of the Delphi method. And for the purpose of a better appreciation of the relationship dominating the factors of the model, it has distributed the questionnaire to Iranian companies in the Food industry. This research proposed a direct relationship between Innovation Capability and the Personnel Capability. Also, it offers the most important components and indices which directly influence and are related to the Innovation Capability


Author Biographies

Mostafa Momeni, Alzahra University

PhD in Strategic Management (2015)

Master of Business Administration (2007)

Assistant Professor at Management Department of Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

Research interests: Assistant professor at Management Department of Alzahra University. His research addresses the needs of professionals and advances the knowledge about innovation, organizational capabilities and strategic models. Mostafa is received his PhD for his study of the framework for the development of innovation capability in the organizations. He is appointed as lecturer in Tehran University, Kharazmi University, Economic Science University, etc.

Susanne Balslev Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark

Civil Engineering (1993)

PhD in Planning (1998)

Associate Professor at Engineering Management Department of Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

Research interests: Associate professor at DTU Management Engineering, Division of System Analysis and deputy in Centre for Facilities Management at the Technical University of Denmark. Her research addresses the needs of professionals and advances the knowledge about challenges and benefits of integrating the sustainability perspective in context specific engineering. Susanne is received her PhD for her study of sustainable transformation of urban infrastructure. She is appointed as Professor II in Facilities Management at Oslo and Akershus University Collage of applied sciences in Norway since August 2014.


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